This above statement was the sentiment echoed by many a expert during a half-day Media Seminar on “Values & Challenges before Media”, that was organized by the Media Wing of Rajyoga Education and Research Foundation & Brahma Kumaris, Shantisarovar at Hyderabad on Thursday, 29th July, 2007.
Speakers on the dais including Dr C V Narasimha Reddi, Director, Information & PR (Retd), Government of Andhra Pradesh, said that Media in country’s pre-independence era, especially the print media, was patriotic and missionary in character. However, the present-day scenario depicts increasing incidence of vested interest, commercialism, consumerism, sensationalism, sensualism, yellow journalism, political patronage and bureaucratic interference.
Requesting the Media to evolve a ‘Code of Conduct’ for self, speakers opined that some degree of self-regulation on the part of the Media is highly desirable. The experts stressed that the character and content of the message being communicated to the public must be in consonance with the rich cultural heritage, values and ethos of the society. In this context, one of the speakers felt that Corporates running Media outfits must de-link their other businesses from Media and let it be an independent identity.
Talking on the importance of spirituality for the Media, Rajyogini Sister BK Kuldeep Ji, said, “The world is becoming a global village, but the distance between our lives is increasing day-by-day. Let us get together to bring about hearts closer through positive thinking and rise above the pulls and pressures of personal, professional and public life.”
Rajyogi Brother B K Karuna, Chief of Multimedia & PR, President, Global Forum for Public Relations, Mt. Abu in his address stressed the importance of “Professionalism, Ethics and Spirituality” (The Golden Triangle) not only for journalists but also for professionals.
He emphasized the importance of the three words “Satyam, Shivam & “Sundaram” for the Media. “Satyam” – Everybody wants to know the truth. “Shivam” – The Benefaction and “Sundaram” – The coverage of the truth has to be nice and beautiful. “And this is where spirituality or the beauty comes into picture,” said Shri Karuna.
Sis. B K Sarala Anand, Manager PR, BHEL & Zonal Coordinator, Media Wing (A.P), Hyderabad proposed a vote of thanks to all the participants and distinguished speakers – Dr. C V Narasimha Reddi, Mr. Krishna Chandra Mouli, Professor, Dept. of Advertising & Public Relations, Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism, Bhopal; Mr. Nikunj, Media Coordinator, RERF, Mumbai; Mr. P J Sudhakar, Director, Doordarshan Kendra, Hyderabad; Mr. D Amar, Chairman, Press Academy, Govt. of AP, Hyderabad; Mr. K Srinivas Reddy, Secretary, All India Journalists Association, Hyderabad; Mr. Ravi Srivastava, Associate Editor, Hindi Milap, Hyderabad; Mr. P Venkateshwara Rao, Editor, Krishna Patrika, Hyderabad; Mr. Salman Ahmad, Asst. Professor, Institute of Management Technology, Nagpur; Sis. B K Sheela, Rajyoga Teacher, Shanti Sarovar, Hyderabad and Mr. P Upendra, Former Union Minister for Information & Broadcasting.
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Thanks, for the excellent coverage, on behalf of Global Forum for Public Relations.
Post-facto permission, this is forwarded to all the members of GFPR
All the best, Jayarama R Emani.
Babji.Y, Vice President (Adm & Prog)
Global Forum for Public Relations
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